Centuries in the Making Animation. Directed by Balazs Simon.
I was super honoured to be the illustrator on this insanely complex and ambitious animation project with Blink Ink for Greene King Brewery in the UK.
My illustrations were turned into 355 frames by the animation team and laser cut into 355 individual beer cans, inside which was a light, which beamed the frames onto the surrounding walls, as well as forming an animated King Edward on the can itself.
The contours of the surrounding walls meant that the team had to account for how far the light would travel before it hit the walls, so the laser cut stencils needed to be precisely distorted to account for this.
There were also points at which the animation on the walls had to align perfectly with that same element on the can itself (see below frames).
A massive thank you to the team, especially director Balazs Simon, for his frankly insane vision and very large brain to make this work as well as it does.

Agency: House 337 @house337
Creative Director: Steve Hawthorne @seve7
Art Director: Pete Ioulioanou @pete_ioulioanou
Copywriter: Ollie Agius @ollieagius
Head of Strategy: Laura Sammarco
Account Management:: Rich Williams & Kelly Mahon
Agency Producer: Henry Davies
Production Company: Blinkink @blink_ink
Director: Balázs Simon @notbalasz
Executive Producer: Bart Yates
Executive Producer: Josef Byrne
Head of Production: Alex Halley @alexhalley
Producer: Sami Goddard @samigoddard
Graphic Design: Tobias Hall @tobiashall
Storyboard Artist: Mysie Pereira @mysiepereira
Laser Cutting: Laser Cut Works @lasercutworks
Studio Manager: Daisy Garside @daisygarside
DOP: Max Halstead @colossal_squid
Gaffer: Elliot Beach @elliot_be
Stop Motion Animators: Andy Biddle @andyrbiddle & Tobias Fouracre @tobiasfouracre, Chris Ullens @chris.ullens
Can Fabrication & Rigging: Andrew Spradbury @albanstudios
Set Build: Mattes and Miniatures @mattesandminiatures_ltd, Leigh Took @leightook, Lauren Took @laurentook, Richard Grant @rgproduct & Mitch Barnes @mitchbarnesmodelmaker
Animation Lead: Reg Isaac @reg_isaac
Animators: Yagizhan Misirli @yagizmisirli & Andrew Clarke @atomiclarke
Clean Up Supervisor: Katherine Spangenberg @katiediazz.art
Clean Up Artists: Dylan Wilson @dylandawilson, Sameera Joshi @_samzoshi_, Kat Michaelides @pbmoth, Jack Zhang @animate_jack
Post House: GYÁR
Grade: Kai Van Beers @1920.vfx
Music: Major Tom @major_tom_music
Sound: Dugal Macdiarmid @kinglearlondon
Shot at Clapham Road Studios @claphamrdstudio